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Keeping Your Dorm Room Bed Bug Free

Keeping Your Dorm Room Bed Bug Free If you are living in residence, there are habits you need to develop, to avoid pest problems.  With all the students in res, and the constant back and forth to the family home, friends or relatives there are a lot of ways to get into trouble by attracting pests. Here are a guidelines that will help you avoid problems:  Educate yourself.  Read and be able to identify about bedbugs and other pests. Ask monitors to be kept informed of the status of any pest problems on your floor and inform...

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5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs While Traveling

5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs While Traveling Even the best hotels host bedbugs.  It is well known that bedbugs are attracted to human hosts, predominantly in sleeping and lounging areas.  They are nocturnal in nature and like to hitchhike so hotels are an ideal habitat. Here are 5 ways to reduce your chances of being bitten or bringing them home: Smell the room.  If it has a sweet musty odor ask for another room. On entering your hotel room, put your luggage in the bathroom and conduct an inspection. Do not place or store luggage on...

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Bed Bug Bombs Don’t Work

Bed Bug Bombs Don’t Work Getting bitten by bedbugs is not fun and it is tempting to look for an easy answer.  Bedbug bombs or foggers look like an easy fix.  Just set it off and wait and presto, you’re through.  The only thing left to do is to notice that the bed bugs are still there and largely unaffected. Like most insects bedbugs breed quickly and build up resistance to pesticides.  It is possible that the bedbugs you are dealing with are already resistant to the active ingredient(s) in your bomb.  But...

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Termite Mushrooms

Termite Mushrooms Could insecticide made from mushrooms kill insects and protect crops without creating toxic residue and runoff? If so they would be a breath of fresh air in our increasingly toxic environment. Many of the chemicals used in pesticides, like ammonia, arsenic, benzene, chlorine, dioxins, formaldehyde and glyphosate are dangerous to people. Widespread pesticide use is also one possible culprit for the decline in bee populations over the last decade. Paul Stamets, an american fungus expert and...

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Be open to change

Be open to change Suspendisse nec est nibh. Maecenas at enim sed ante elementum dictum. Vivamus aliquet, urna ut consectetur porta, nulla lorem laoreet metus, sit amet lobortis sapien neque eget nisl. Vestibulum fermentum, ante non cursus imperdiet, massa justo malesuada nulla, ac pulvinar libero leo mollis augue. Proin sit amet lacinia turpis, eu condimentum nunc. Nulla neque nisi, pharetra vel risus vel, blandit commodo arcu. Nullam in massa ultrices, iaculis sem eu, feugiat risus. Etiam vel libero a velit...

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Footer Layout Option

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed augue scelerisque turpis dapibus venenatis. Vestibulum a laoreet nulla. Morbi adipiscing lectus orci, vitae interdum ligula vulputate in. Sed ac neque id neque consequat luctus. Suspendisse nec est nibh. Maecenas at enim sed ante elementum dictum. Vivamus aliquet, urna ut consectetur porta, nulla lorem laoreet metus, sit amet lobortis sapien neque eget nisl. Vestibulum fermentum, ante non cursus imperdiet, massa justo...

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Advanced Testimonials

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed augue scelerisque turpis dapibus venenatis. Vestibulum a laoreet nulla. Morbi adipiscing lectus orci, vitae interdum ligula vulputate in. Sed ac neque id neque consequat luctus. Suspendisse nec est nibh. Maecenas at enim sed ante elementum dictum. Vivamus aliquet, urna ut consectetur porta, nulla lorem laoreet metus, sit amet lobortis sapien neque eget nisl. Vestibulum fermentum, ante non cursus imperdiet, massa justo...

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Advanced Gallery/Portfolion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed augue scelerisque turpis dapibus venenatis. Vestibulum a laoreet nulla. Morbi adipiscing lectus orci, vitae interdum ligula vulputate in. Sed ac neque id neque consequat luctus. Suspendisse nec est nibh. Maecenas at enim sed ante elementum dictum. Vivamus aliquet, urna ut consectetur porta, nulla lorem laoreet metus, sit amet lobortis sapien neque eget nisl. Vestibulum fermentum, ante non cursus imperdiet, massa justo...

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Premium Slider

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed augue scelerisque turpis dapibus venenatis. Vestibulum a laoreet nulla. Morbi adipiscing lectus orci, vitae interdum ligula vulputate in. Sed ac neque id neque consequat luctus. Suspendisse nec est nibh. Maecenas at enim sed ante elementum dictum. Vivamus aliquet, urna ut consectetur porta, nulla lorem laoreet metus, sit amet lobortis sapien neque eget nisl. Vestibulum fermentum, ante non cursus imperdiet, massa justo...

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Custom Page Temlates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed augue scelerisque turpis dapibus venenatis. Vestibulum a laoreet nulla. Morbi adipiscing lectus orci, vitae interdum ligula vulputate in. Sed ac neque id neque consequat luctus. Suspendisse nec est nibh. Maecenas at enim sed ante elementum dictum. Vivamus aliquet, urna ut consectetur porta, nulla lorem laoreet metus, sit amet lobortis sapien neque eget nisl. Vestibulum fermentum, ante non cursus imperdiet, massa justo...

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Featured Pages Slider

Featured Testimonials Slider

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